Character Information...
Name: Iolana Darzi
Nicknames: Io, Lana
Hair Color: Dark Blonde/light brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'8
Species: Witch
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Home World: Asmiara
Birth Place: Aserora
Growing Up...
This was what happened in time. The creative concepts did create races of their own the first being dragons created by magic. However, for Iolana they concepts forged her life in ways she would have thought and some she never would have guessed. She was born within the city, the daughter of the creative concept of Nature, Nahele Darzi. Born to one of the most powerful men in the world some might say made her special. Yet, her mother was on the other end of the spectrum. Nothing more than a slave to the man, it often caused her to wonder where her own place within the world was and she longed to explore to leave it all behind and travel on her own. Having an affinity for her father’s domain she was able to grow plants and other things from nothing. She could heal a sick flower or create one of her own. So, she studied with her father on using her skill still she longed for more.
She was a free spirit who wanted to see the world. Marvel at everything she could see out there. She wanted to experience every sensation that there was and try new things. Sail to new worlds, dance among the very heavens themselves.
"I care about being free. I care about flying. I want to soar so high that I might touch the very heavens. I don't want to be chained. And yes I know everyone is chained by something. I want to be as free as any one person can be. I want to dance in the moonlight. I want to touch the stars. I want to be soaked by the rain. I want to let it kiss my body as it cascades down around me."
A Twist of Fate...
However, it would all change the day she met him. She would always wonder or want to but she would find a partner. Shai Aysea, also known as the concept of Fate, it was a hot summer day when she first encountered him. She was sitting on the steps of a temple and he was watching her. In a moment she was gone to play in the water of the fountain and he followed after her enticed by something he saw in her and that her life was entwined with hers. She had only ever wanted to be her own person but the first thing he said to her caused her to pause and her breath to catch for a moment.
"Have you ever wonder what it is like to be possessed completely?"
Was he mad? She only wanted to be free as the wind. She tried to tell him time and time again but he continues to push saying she was meant for him. In the end she agreed with him. She was sweep off her feet by a man so demanding and controlling he should be everything that she should flee from. He promised her that with him she would reach heights she could never imagine see things she could only dream about. That he could take her places that she could never reach on her own.
"If you are mine I can make all those things possible. I can take you flying thousands of different ways. I can take you to dance within the rain upon planets that haven't been touched by sentient beings or take you to feel the millions of different suns upon your skin. Some so old that it will cause you to weep. Being tethered to me doesn't have to be a curse."
She wasn’t sure it was a good idea but how does one deny the will of fate. And there was something about him that called her. Perhaps, because she was a bit of a dreamer like her father. It might just be that despite his commanding nature she knew he was right. If she gave him control he would give her the world. She was taken by the moment and followed him to his room and the rest is as they say history.
"You never seen this color? Do you not look inside the mirror? That color sparkles within your eyes.”
Happily Ever After...
Imagination realized he loved Lana more and she also loved another. They decided the love they had was more like brother and sister, so she stepped down and let him make Lana his first wife. Witches could have many spouses, however, the first was the most important one. The world was shocked by his decision. However, Fate didn’t care. He made the path including his own. So, they were married and might have lived this way till the day she died because Concepts are immortal. But, as one might say Fate stepped in and they were tearing apart.
The End of an Era...
They needed to stop him however Ceri didn’t want to kill him. She loved him in her mind he was her grandson. So, she set out to find another way. A spell was found that would create for him a world. A world that he could forge in his own way and would be free of the pain that plagued him in this world. However, it would require a great deal of power. Ceri was willing to give up her very existence never to return to be erased to save him. However, the other Concepts knew this was a bad idea. So, they offered to give up some of their power in order to make the spell work. If there was six of them the demand on each would be lesser. So, they set out to perform the spell. However, it cost them more than they had thought it would.
It cost them their immortality. Ceri was afraid that the spell would cost them everything and that they would never come back just exist as nothing but ideas for the rest of time. It cost their lives leaving the world without the six clans heads and the gods that watched over the world. The world was cast in Chaos. Lana was overcome with grief at the loss of Shai. People vying for power as clan went to war against clan. Brother against sister and so forth as she tried her best to hold her father's clan together. She took up the mantle in his place, leading the Darzi army to protect her people. She knew that neither her father nor Shai would want this. However, it seemed that not everyone would listen to reason.
She was barely able to keep her people going. She was afraid that they would all die out. During a battle she could hear Shai's voice in her mind. It told her to trust that he would always lead her down the right path. She knew that even if they were gone, the concepts would always be there for those that trusted in the path. So, she trusted in her inner voice. She had been around Shai enough to know that fate was too demanding to not leave clues on the path he wished you to take. So, she trusted herself and listened to that inner voice. She quit the field. Taking her people and marching off into the desert.
Follow the Stars...
The Darzi clan remains in the desert and she visits from time to time to make sure her people are still thriving. The clan picks those who it believes are descended from her or have powers like her own to lead. She loves her people. However, she also loves to see what the world has become. She tries to stay out of giving away things letting fate take its course. Knowing that if she respects Shai, she knows that all things happen when they should and if it doesn't happen it isn't meant to be. When she finds him reborn she tries to put herself as close to him as possible without ruining whatever life he is making for himself. He will remember her when the time is right.
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